2012년 2월 10일 금요일

"2012 반핵아시아포럼"에 초대합니다.

"2012 반핵아시아포럼"에 초대합니다

후쿠시마 핵사고 이후 세계 각국은 핵발전 정책을 재검토하고, 기존의 핵발전소 건설 계획을 중단하고 있습니다. 그러나 한국은 이와 정반대로 나아가고 있습니다. 후쿠시마의 교훈을 받아들이기는 커녕, 오히려 후쿠시마 핵사고를 핵발전소 수출의 기회로 활용하자는 원자력진흥계획을 확정짓고, 이를 추진 중에 있습니다. 특히 3월 26일 서울에서 열리는 핵안보정상회의를 핵발전소 수출의 기회로 삼고자하는 계획을 추진 중에 있습니다.

이에 아시아 각국의 반핵운동가들이 한국에서 핵발전소 반대운동을 벌이는 지역주민들과 함께 연대하는 행사를 준비하고 있습니다. 이 자리는 아시아 각국 반핵운동가는 물론, 전세계 반핵 운동가들이 한국 정부의 핵발전정책에 반대하는 자리가 될 것입니다.

※ 반핵 아시아 포럼의 개요 ※

● 일시: 3월 19일 (월) ~ 24일 (토)

● 기조:
+ 동아시아 핵발전소 확산에 맞선 반핵운동가들의 대응
+ 탈핵의 바람은 아시아로부터

● 주요 행사내용
+ 한꺼번에 모든 참가국의 국가 보고를 듣고 그 내용을 반복적으로 진행하기보다는 지역별 상황과 내용에 맞춰 참가국의 이야기를 할 수 있는 방식으로 진행
+ 서울: 국제 회의와 토크쇼. 핵산업계 회의 대응을 중심으로 진행
+ 부산: 노후핵발전소 문제 (고리 1호기)
+ 울산: 신고리 5,6호기를 통해 APR1400 문제점과 수출 문제를 중심으로
+ 신규핵발전소 지역: 핵발전소 건설에 맞서 싸우는 지역주민들의 투쟁을 중심으로
- 장소: 서울 및 핵 관련 현안 지역

● 날짜별 대략적인 일정
+ 18일(일): 해외참석자 입국 / 서울
+ 19일(월): 버스로 이동 / 삼척 집회 참가 / 지역주민 교류회 / 삼척
+ 20일(화): 삼척 핵발전소 후보지 현장방문 / 이동 / 영덕
+ 21일(수): 부산 행사 / 부산
+ 22일(목): 이동 / <국제회의> / 서울
+ 23일(금): Nuclear Industry Summit 항의 집회 / 종합토론 / 성명서 채택 / 서울
+ 24일(토): 해외참석자 귀국. 반핵아시아 포럼 종료 //

* 25일 공동집회는 참가 희망자를 중심으로 참가.

Invitation to “No Nuke Asia Forum 2012”

             Invitation to “No Nuke Asia Forum 2012”

In the aftermath of the Fukushima accident, countries have been reassessing their nuclear policy, calling for an end to the existing nuclear plant construction plan. However, Korea is heading towards the opposite direction. Rather than taking it as a valuable lesson, Korea has deemed the Fukushima accident as an opportunity to export nuclear power plant abroad and is thus promoting it by finalizing Nuclear Energy Promotion Plan. Nuclear Security Summit 2012, in particular, is being promoted as an opportunity to expand nuclear plant exportation.
To prevent this from happening, various anti-nuclear activists from all over Asia are preparing an event in Korea that band together the local people acting against the nuclear plants. This will be an event that strongly condemns Korean government’s nuclear policy, voiced not only by the Asian activists but also by anti-nuclear activists from all over the world.

* Outline of “No Nuke Asia Forum 2012”
 ● Date: March 19th (Mon) ~ 24th (Sat), 2012
 ●Conference Topics:
  + Responses from anti-nuclear activists regarding the proliferation of nuclear power plants           in East Asia
  + Anti-nuclear movement that starts off from Asia
 ● Details of Major Events
  + Conference of participating countries based on their regional circumstances and its contents
  + Seoul: International conferences and talk shows. Focuses on the responses regarding the conference of the nuclear industry.
  + Busan: Problems of worn-out nuclear plants. (Kori #1)
  + Ulsan: Problems of APR1400 and exportation through Shin- Kori #5,6
  + New nuclear plant regions: Local people and their struggle against the nuclear plant construction.

 ● Place: Seoul and other nuclear-related regions
 ● Schedule (yet to be fixed)
  + 18th (Sun): Disembarkation of foreign guests/ Accommodation in Seoul
  +19th (Mon): Travel / Assembly in Samchuk / Meeting with the local people / Accommodation in Samchuk
  + 20th (Tue): Visit to Samchuk (nuclear plant candidate city) / Travel / Accommodation in Yeongduk
  + 21th (Wed): Events in Busan / Accommodation in Busan
  + 22nd (Thu): Travel / International Conference / Accommodation in Seoul
  + 23rd (Fri): Nuclear Industry Summit protesting assembly / General panel
discussion/ Adoption of common statement/ Accommodation in Seoul
  + 24th (Sat): Foreign guests back to home country. NNAF2012 ends // Joint
assembly held on the 25th is circumscribed to only those who are willing to





- 日時:2012年3月19日(月)〜24日(土)
- 場所:韓国・ソウル、プサン、サムチョク、ヨンドク(新規原子力発電所の候補地)

- イベントの概要



- 参加のお問い合わせ:エネルギー正義行動 eja@energyjusitce.kr

2012년 2월 3일 금요일

NNAF 2011 Joint Declaration

Joint Declaration
Let us work hand in hand to create a nuclear-free society

1 August 2011
Participants of NNAF2011

NNAF2011 began on July 30 with 100 participants from eight countries, took place in Tokyo and Fukushima, and is scheduled to continue until August 6 in Hiroshima.

From reports about the reactor meltdown accident at Fukushima Daiichi NPP and the resulting large-scale radiation pollution we have reconfirmed the following. 1) Once a nuclear accident occurs, the damage from radiation is long term, and also has a great impact on the children, who will bear the future of the Earth. 2) Not only agriculture and dairy farming, but the whole of the regional economy and society is completely destroyed. We have also reconfirmed anew that radioactivity produced by nuclear power plants threatens the survival of humanity.

We have heard and shared reports concerning the situation of nuclear power in each of the participating countries and have renewed our determination to work towards a nuclear phase-out.

We, the participants in NNAF, demand that Tokyo Electric Power Company carry out full compensation to the residents of affected areas. In order to protect the health of children living in highly radiated environments, we demand that various measures such as the evacuation of children be carried out. We demand that the government proceed with active efforts to decontaminate polluted areas, and create an environment where people can live in greater safety. We also demand that all of Japan’s nuclear reactors are decommissioned before a ‘second Fukushima’ accident occurs and that all plans for new nuclear power stations or expansions of existing power stations be irrevocably withdrawn.

We, the participants of NNAF, demand that all nuclear power plants in Asia be decommissioned. We also oppose all plans for nuclear power plants in any Asian country. We strongly demand the creation of a nuclear-free society.

We have pledged to further strengthen our solidarity within NNAF in order to eliminate all nuclear power plants and nuclear weapons from Asia at the earliest possible date and create a nuclear-free and peaceful society. This is also a struggle to demand the democratization of societies and at the same time to create true sovereign nation states. Let us work hand in hand to create a nuclear-free society!

NNAF 2011 공동 선언

핵 없는 사회를 만들기 위해 함께 하자

2011년 8월 1일
2011 반핵아시아포럼 참가자들

2011년 반핵아시아포럼은 8개 국가에서 온 100명의 참가자들과 함께 7월 30일 도쿄와 후쿠시마에서 열렸고, 8월 6일까지 히로시마에서 계속되기로 계획되어 있다.

후쿠시마 제1 핵발전소 사건에 대한 보고서와 핵발전소 사고로 인한 대규모 방사능 오염으로부터우리는 다음과 같은 내용을 재확인했다. 1) 핵사고가 일어나면, 방사능으로 인한 피해는 장기적이며 지구의 미래를 책임질 어린이들에게 큰 영향을 미친다. 2) 농사와 낙농업뿐만 아니라 지역 경제와 사회 전체가 완전히 파괴된다. 우리는 또한, 핵발전소에서 생산된 방사능이 인류의 생존을 위협할 것이라는 것을 새로 재확인 했다.

우리는 각각 참가국의 핵 발전 상황에 대한 이야기를 듣고 보고서를 공유했으며, 핵 발전소를 단계적으로 폐지시키자는 결정을 재개했다.

반핵아시아포럼 참가자들인 우리는 도쿄 전력 회사가 방사능 피해 지역 주민들에게 충분히 보상할 것을 요구한다. 방사능 오염이 심각한 환경에 사는 아이들의 건강을 지키기 위해서 우리는 위험 지역에서 아이들을 대피시키는 것 등과 같은 다양한 조치가 이루어 질 것을 요구한다. 우리는 정부가 오염된 지역의 오염물질을 제거하기 위해 적극적인 노력을 실행할 것과 사람들이 보다 안전하게 살 수 있는 환경을 만들 것을 요구한다. 우리는 또한 ‘제 2의 후쿠시마’ 사건이 일어나기 전에 일본에 있는 모든 핵 발전소를 해체시키고 새 핵 발전소 건립이나 현존하고 있는 핵 발전소의 확장 계획을 완전히 중단시킬 것을 요구한다.

반핵아시아포럼 참가자들인 우리는 아시아에 있는 모든 핵 발전소들이 폐지되는 것을 요구한다.우리는 또한 아시아 국가의 모든 핵 발전소 계획을 반대한다. 우리는 핵 없는 사회 구현을 강경히 요구한다.

우리는 가능한 최대한 빠른 시일 내에 아시아의 모든 핵 발전소를 폐지시키고 핵 없는 평화로운사회를 만들기 위해 반핵아시아포럼내의 연대를 더욱 강화시키기로 약속했다. 이것은 또한 사회의 민주화를 위한 투쟁인 것과 동시에 진정한 주권국가를 만들기 위함이다. 핵 없는 사회를 만들기 위해 함께하자.

NNAF 2010 공동 선언

2010 반핵 아시아 포럼 공동 성명

체르노빌 사고로부터 24년이 지난 오늘, 피해자들과 그들의 가족은 아직도 사고의 영향과 방사능 오염으로 부터 고통을 받고 있다. 아시아 지역의 사람들 또한 여전히 원전 사고나 방사능 오염 위험에 노출되어 있다. 각 지역에서 정치 경제적 권위에 대항하여 투쟁하였던 많은 반핵 활동가들은, 아시아 지역의 반핵 운동의 활성화를 위하여 정보를 공유하고 국제적으로 협력 하는 것의 중요성을 재확인하였다. 그로 인하여, '반핵 아시아 포럼'이 1993년에 일본에서 처음으로 공식 출범하였다. 그러나 현재, 원자력으로부터의 해방이라는 목표는 달성되지 않고 있다.

미국, 중국, 러시아, 일본, 프랑스, 한국 등에 본사를 둔 다국적 기업들의 탐욕으로 인해 원전 건설이 계속 되고 있다. 그들은 아시아 시장을 주 목표로 하고 있으며, 특히 인도, 인도네시아, 말레이시아, 파키스탄, 필리핀, 싱가폴, 대만, 태국, 베트남등이 그 대상이다. 그로 인해, 핵 전쟁 및 핵 재앙에 대한 위협 또한 커지고 있다.

최근, 일본에서 가시와자키-가리와의 원자로와 하마오카 원전이 고장나거나 지진으로 인해 가동이 중단되는 사고가 발생하였다. 이는, 핵발전이 안전하지 않다는 것을 입증하고 있다.

우리는 서로에 대한 깊은 신뢰와 연대를 바탕으로 4일동안 진행되는 국제 회의 및 이벤트에 참석하기 위하여 타이페이에 모였다. 우리는 17년동안 아시아 반핵 운동에 동참해왔으며, 이에 대해 자랑스럽게 생각하고 있다. 우리는 핵 없는 아시아라는 목표를 향해 끝까지 나아갈 것이다.

핵에 관한 우리의 입장
1. 우리는 지속가능한 에너지 정책을 지지한다. 우리는 각국 정부가 에너지 절약을 실시하고, 에너지 효율을 높임과 동시에 신재생에너지를 개발할 것을 촉구한다.

2. 세계에서 가장 큰 규모를 자랑하는 일본의 가시와자키-가리와 원전은 2007년 7월 지진으로 인해 방사능이 누출되는 사고가 발생하였다. 우리는 각국 정부에 기존 원전에 지진방재시스템을 강화할 것을 촉구한다. 우리는 또한 대만 정부가 지진 피해에 취약한 지정학적 위치에 있는 모든 원자력 발전소의 가동을 중단할 것을 요구한다.

3. NPP4의 부적절한 건설과 관리 작업으로 인하여, 최근 시범 기간 동안 많은 사고가 발생하였다. 또한, 대만 우둔이(吳敦義) 행정 원장은 NPP4의 상업적인 가동을 위해 계획을 진행시키고자 타이파워를 지지하고 있다. 이 것은 재앙의 가능성을 높이고 사람들을 위험에 노출시키는 행위다. 우리는 대만 정부의 이러한 무책임한 행동을 규탄한다. 핵연료봉이 채워진 NPP4의 시범운행은 주민 투표 이전에 개시되어서는 안된다.

4. 기후변화는 산사태나 홍수를 초래하는 호우와 같은 극심한 기상조건을 가져온다. 각국 정부는 이러한 이상 기후로 인한 원전 붕괴 위험을 방지하고 대처해야한다. 원자력 에너지는 청정한 에너지가 아니며 기후 변화의 해결책 또한 될 수 없다. 핵 처리 과정에서 대량의 화석 연료가 소모되며, 그로 인한 위험 물질 및 방사능 물질은 인간에게 큰 위협으로 돌아온다.

5. 원자력 발전은 인간의 생존권과 자산을 위협하고, 부적절한 원자력 정책은 인권을 침해한다. 우리는 각국 정부가 국민의 자결권을 보장해주기를 촉구한다. 우리는 대만 국민들과 함께 투표법을개정하고 NPP4에 대해 국민 투표를 실시할 것을 강력히 요구한다.

6. 우리는 과다한 에너지 소비, 오염, 그리고 이산화탄소 배출 기업들 (예를 들자면, 쿠오쾅 석유화학 공장 프로젝트) 을 장려하며 NPP4 건설을 계속하고 기존 원전 폐기를 연기하는 대만 정부에 강력히 반대한다.

7. 오키드섬 (Orchid Island)의 핵폐기물 축적은 원주민 타오족의 생존권과 그들의 환경을 위협하고 있다. 우리는 대만 정부가 이에 대해 다른 지역의 삶과 환경을 파괴하지 않는 선에서 가장 신속하고 사법적인 해결책을 내놓기를 요구한다.

8. 우리는 에너지 정책에 있어 개방적이고 투명한 민주적 매커니즘을 구축할 것을 아시아 각국 정부에 요구한다.

9. 우리는 아시아의 여러 국민들에게 원자력 발전소의 수출입을 중단시킬 수 있도록 협력할 것을 요구한다. 원자력 발전소의 수출입은 신규 원전의 건설 뿐만 아니라, 사고 위험성의 증가, 핵폐기물 문제, 그리고 아시아 지역내의 핵무기 확산을 포함한다. 핵 에너지의 거래는 거대한 경제적 부담을 초래할 뿐만이 아니라, 개발 도상국에게 부담을 전가하는 행위이기도 하다.

2010년 반핵 아시아 포럼 참가자들
2010년 9월 18일 - 21일 타이페이, 대만

NNAF 2010 Joint Declaration

The 2010 No Nukes Asia Forum Joint Statement

Twenty-four years after Chernobyl disaster, the victims and their families are still suffering from the impact and radioactive pollution. The people of Asia continue to be exposed to fear of nuclear disaster and radioactive contamination. Many antinuclear activists, who battled against political and economic authority locally, understood it was important to share information and collaborate internationally for no nuke movement among Asian countries. Therefore, No Nukes Asia Forum, NNAF, was first convened in Japan in 1993. Till now, the mission to stop nuclear threat is not yet accomplished.

The greed of multinational corporations, headquartered in some countries such as China, France, Japan, Korea, Russia, and the USA, continues to push nuclear expansion. They take aim at Asian market primary in India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam currently, and the menace of nuclear war and disaster continues to proliferate.

Recently, nuclear reactors in Kashiwazaki-Kariwa and Hamaoka power plants were damaged or stopped by earthquakes in Japan, further proving that nuclear power is unsafe.

We are delegates from Japan, India, Indonesia, Korea, Philippines, Thailand, and Taiwan to celebrate 2010 NNAF. We have gathered in Taipei for a four-day international conference and activities and have a sense of full trust and solidarity among ourselves.

We are proud of having participated in and promoted an Asian anti-nuclear movement over the past seventeen years. We feel invigorated and strive as partners in mission to No Nukes Asia.

Our Stand

1. We advocate the sustainable energy policy. We urge the government of each country to promote energy conservation, enhance energy efficiency, and develop renewable energies.
We oppose unsustainable nuclear power.

2. Earthquake damaged Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power station, the world's biggest nuclear power station in Japan, and caused nuclear waste spill in July 2007. We appeal to the government of each country for enhancing earthquake protection system in the existing nuclear power stations. We also request Taiwan government to stop as soon as possible the operations of all the nuclear power plants , which site in areas of geologic faults.

3. Because of inappropriate construction work and improper management on NPP4, many accidents have taken place during recent test run preiod. Besides, Taiwan Premier Wu Den-Yi pushes Taipower to advance the schedule of commercial operation of NPP4. These will increase the possibility of disasters and expose people to great danger. We condemn Taiwan government for its irresponsibility. The test run of NPP4 with nuclear fuel rods filled should not be started before holding the referendum.

4. Climate change induces extreme weather conditions that result in heavy rains causing massive flooding and landslides. The government of each country should prevent and manage the serious risks of nuclear power plant destruction by the climate disaster. Also, nuclear energy is not clean energy and not a solution to climate change. Huge amounts of fossil fuels are used in every stage of the nuclear process and the toxic wastes and radioactive chemicals emitted pose great a danger to people’s health.

5. Nuclear power endangers the life and property of people. Inappropriate nuclear policy making is also a violation of human rights. We urge the government of each country to assure the civil rights of self-determination. We are in solidarity with the Taiwanese people's action to call for revising the referendum law and holding a referendum on NPP4.

6. We are strongly opposed to Taiwan government’s decision to expand the highly energy-consuming, polluting, and carbon dioxide emitting industries(for example, Kuo-Kuang Petrochemical Plant Project), while continuing the construction of the NPP4 and postponing the decommission of the existing nuclear reactors.

7. The continued storage of nuclear wastes on Orchid Island has put the lives and the environment of the indigenous Tao people to great risk. We request Taiwan government to seek the speediest and most judicious solution to this, while not to increase the risks to life and the environment in other areas.

8. We call upon the governments of Asian countries to establish an open, transparent, and democratic mechanism for the decision-making of energy policy.

9. We call upon the people of Asia to collaborate on stopping the exporting and importing of nuclear power plants. Exporting and importing nuclear power plants are not only constructing new power plants, but also increasing incidental risk, problems of nuclear wastes and nuclear weapon proliferation in each Asian country. Nuclear power trade also poses a risk for imposing huge economic burdens and debt to developing countries.

All Participants of 2010 No Nukes Asia Forum
September 18-21, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan

2012년 2월 2일 목요일


< No Nukes Asia Forum >

The NNAF aims for an Asia without nuclear weapons or nuclear power plants. Our Forum usually invites eight to ten Asian countries and regions each year, and is hosted by a different country each time. In the forum, we have exchanged information, shared our experiences, and carried out joint actions. Through these activities, we have built an equal and close network where we have learned from and encouraged each other.

A number of people from nuclear power plant sites, planned sites, and candidate sites for nuclear waste disposal participated in the forum from respective Asian nations. Below is a short summary of report in each NNAF.

★ 1993 - The 1st NNAF (June 26 - July 4), Japan

The world has been moving toward phasing-out nuclear power, yet there are still many nuclear power plant construction plans in Asian countries. Japan is the leading country promoting the sale of nuclear power plants. Every year, Japan has hosted the "International Conference for Nuclear Power Cooperation in Asian Region" (Since year 2000, the name was changed to "Asian Nuclear Cooperation Forum," to be hosted by different countries each year). Japan has provided technical cooperation, such as accepting a lot of interns. In particular, with Korea and Taiwan respectively, Japan has held bilateral cooperative conferences every year. In addition, large-scale missions from both public and private sectors have been sent to South East Asia.

Responding to this situation, Japan hosted the first NNAF. Mr. Kim, one of the forum founders from Korea said, "The nuclear promotion side has a very close relationship with Japan which is playing a central role. We need to fight against this with our own alliance of Asian citizens."

The first NNAF was supported by 1354 individuals and 177 organizations, and a steering committee of 100 members worked hard to prepare for the forum. At the international forum, there were voices of criticism against Japan's plutonium policy and nuclear power plant export policy, such as, "Japan's plutonium policy is raising tension in the Asian region."

Thirty participants from Asian countries divided into seven tours to visit and hold meetings in 28 locations all over Japan including nuclear power plants sites. Since Japan has been promoting nuclear power plants to Asian nations by saying, "Japan has been operating more than 40 nuclear power plants safely and local residents are also supporting nuclear power," our tours were very meaningful to inform Asian participants about these many "lies".

Through this forum, many acquaintances were made, and they became the very first step toward establishing an international network.

★ 1994 - The 2nd NNAF (October 14 - October 21), Korea

During the military dictatorship, Korea constructed nuclear power plants at four sites (Kori, Youngkwang, Wolsung, Uljin). However, since the 1987 democracy movement, especially around 1990, the anti-nuclear movement ran high. Up till now, due to the residents' strong-arm tactics, the establishment of new nuclear power plant sites or a disposal site for nuclear waste has never been realized.

At the Seoul NNAF, as was expected, Japan was criticized for having been a barrier for Korean peninsula to achieve de-nuclearization, and for not having solved the Korean A-bomb victim issue, postwar compensation issue and so on. There was a Korean student assembly where Japanese students also made a speech for solidarity.

After that, we went for a trip around the South Korean Peninsula on a bus. We also went to the Independent Memorial Hall. At Youngkwang, we carried out a demonstration with farmers and fishermen, and visited the grave of Mr. Ro Yeun-Eup who died after participating in the previous year's forum. In Kwangju, we visited the public cemetery to worship the victims of democracy movements, and carried out a demonstration against the US Culture Center. Then we held a rally at Goseong and Chungha where people successfully prevented the construction of a nuclear waste disposal site. We also held a demonstration and a rally at Kori Urchin nuclear power plant site. A demonstration was also held at the Japanese consulate in Pusan, during which seven Koreans were arrested and the members in the bus were confined in the bus for two and a half hours. Although the schedule of the NNAF bus tour was very tough with meetings and exchanges, we had no time to feel tired with ceaseless opportunities to meet local residents who had been vigorously fighting to oppose nuclear power related facilities.

The Korean forum gave us a chance to strengthen horizontal ties with Korean regional organizations and local resident groups.

In the following year of 1995, local residents were victorious over the fight against the construction of nuclear waste disposal site at Kureup Island.

★ 1995 - The 3rd NNAF (September 2 to September 6), Taiwan

At the 3rd NNAF, a grand demonstration of 30,000 people was held, in opposition to the construction of Taiwan's 4th nuclear power plant and French nuclear testing. People chanted, "Abolish nuclear weapons!" and "No to nuclear power!" Models of nuclear weapons and a nuclear power plant were burnt to the ground in a main street intersection.

During the 38 years of the Nationalist Party's dictatorship under the martial law, people were derived of their rights to raise their voices of opposition or criticism, and a total of six nuclear power plants were constructed one after another at three sites with two reactors at each site. In 1987, martial law was lifted, and the movement for democratization was heightened. The main argument of this movement was the opposition against the construction of the 4th nuclear power plant. Among the fight for democratization, Democratic Progressive Party was born with one of their platforms including opposing nuclear power. In the national parliament, the argument of acceptance of the 4th nuclear plant construction was repeated with a number of turnovers. The construction of the 4th nuclear power plant became the biggest political issue in Taiwan.

During the conference in Taipei, when a representative of the aboriginal people of Orchid Island pleaded, "Do not make our island a nuclear dump site!," a participant from Tahiti went up on the stage and asked to shake hands. He also appealed for liberation from French colonialism.

The participants visited Orchid island, the 1st and 2nd nuclear power plant sites, radiation contaminated buildings (the cause was steel material that had originally come from nuclear power plants. Up until now, exposure of 10,000 people has been confirmed), radiation contaminated roads, radiation contaminated areas of Tao-Yuan (Taiwan nuclear power institute was secretly developing nuclear weapons but the facility was later shut down by the United States. When spent fuel rods were being taken out, there was a hydrogen explosion and a large amount of radioactive materials such as plutonium was emitted into the air.)

We closed our forum with an on-site demonstration against the 4th nuclear power plant and exchange with local residents of Kongliao, in which 96% of the people opposed the construction of this nuclear power plant in a referendum.

After the NNAF in Taiwan, people in Orchid Island successfully stopped an additional shipment of nuclear waste into their island by strong-arm tactics. They further obtained a commitment from Taiwan Electric, which promised to ship out the 100,000 drum cans of nuclear waste out of their island by the end of 2002.

Regarding the issue of radioactive contamination at Min-Sheng Housing, on March 25 in 2002, it was ruled that the government would extend apologies and pay some compensation to the residents.

★ 1996 - The 4th NNAF (July 29 - August 2), Indonesia

It is often said, "Nuclear power plants are the opposite of democracy."

As was the case of other Asian nations, nuclear power in Indonesia had been a symbol of militaristic and developmental dictatorship.

In 1990s, Suharto military dictatorship planned the construction of the very first nuclear power plant in Indonesia, Muria nuclear power plant (700MW) in the central part of Jawa Island. The anti-nuclear movement, which meant the same as the democracy movement in those days, was carried out during a very difficult time.

Meanwhile, Kansai Electric Power Company conducted a pre-investigation from 1991 to 1996, and there was a heightened possibility that Mitsubishi was going to export. Responding to this, from 1993 to 1997, Japan also conducted a movement against export of a nuclear power plant, called "Stop the Export of Nuclear Power Plants!" Japan also invited Indonesian anti-nuclear power plant activists, including Ms. Mire to send their voices to Japanese society. She later opposed to nuclear power in the national Diet by herself. Japan also carried out a petition campaign, and worked on the Japanese government and the Diet, and frequently visited Indonesia to pass on various sorts of information.

It was such a meaningful achievement for NNAF to be able to hold the Forum in the midst of the suppressive environment in which no rallies or demonstration could not be carried out freely.

On July 27, only two days before the forum, the headquarters of the Democratic Party was assaulted by a conspiracy of the military, claiming more than one hundred lives. Uproars took place, and the tension had risen. Under such conditions, our forum was carried out in Jakarta, Solo and Yogyakarta. We also visited Baron Village, the planned nuclear power plant site. However, due to the strict supervision of the military and the police, we could not get in contact with the local residents.

In this forum, besides the anti-nuke hub of Jawa Island, we had met people from Sumatera, Lombok, Kalimantan, Sulawesi all together for the first time, through which the anti-nuke national network was established.

In the following year of 1997, the construction of the nuclear power plant was postponed, even though the Atomic Power Law was established. In 1998, as a result of the people's struggles lead by students, the more than 30 year-old Suharto militaristic dictatorship came to an end, leading to the cancellation of the nuclear power plant plan.

★ 1997 - The 5th NNAF (September 1 - September 6), Philippines

The Bataan nuclear power plant was constructed under the Marcos military dictatorship tainted with self-interest and corruption. Though the fight of Bataan residents had been severely oppressed in the late 1970s, the movement to stop the start of Bataan nuclear power plant was developed, and in 1985, a three day general strike was carried out with participants calling for "Anti-Marcos and anti-nuclear power plants." The city was filled with 50,000 Bataan residents, who fought against military tanks and armored vehicles. This lead to the People's Power Movement in February 1986, which toppled the Marcos regime. The movement against anti-nuclear power movement combined with the democracy movement. The Bataan nuclear power plant was suspended right after the Aquino administration was established. Thus, it was decided that the only Philippino nuclear power plant, the Baatan plant, would not operate even though it had already been constructed. Moreover, the people in Philippines were successful in ousting the US militaries with their Non-Nuclear Constitution.

However, the Philippine government planned the resumption of the Bataan nuclear power plant since 1992, and it also announced nuclear power plant construction plans in ten different sites including Luzon, Mindoro, Negros, and Mindanao islands.

During the 1997 NNAF, we went to the site of Bataan nuclear power plant, after holding a conference in Manila and visiting the Nuclear Power Institute. Though it was 11:30 p.m. when the bus arrived, a lot of residents welcomed us clapping and chanting, "No Nukes! International solidarity!" Then there was a demonstration with 2000 people holding torches. The passion, self-assurance and confidence of the Bataan people tremendously empowered the participants from other parts of the Philippines and overseas.

People in the Philippines defined the exports of nuclear power plants as the "New Type of Aggression". In 1998, the following year, the government decided not to construct any more nuclear power plants.

★ 1998 - The 6th NNAF (October 27- November 11), Thailand

The Thai government established the "21 Members' Commission," and started its nuclear power plant construction plan. From 1997 to 1998, Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT) promoted nuclear power using mass media, and started to buy land around the planned sites after completing a pre-investigation of the three candidate sites in southern Thailand.

The organizer of the Forum was a Thai anti-nuclear NGO called "Alternative Energy Projects for Sustainability (AEPS)". There were discussions regarding renewable energy in the two day conference in Bangkok.

On the third day, the bus went down 600 km heading for Chumphon, a southern part of Thailand. A rally was held in a temple on a beautiful beach near the planned site of a nuclear power plant, and 200 overseas participants told the local residents about dangers of nuclear power plants and their anti-nuke movement experiences. At the end of the rally, a local woman said, "No matter what happens, I will never sell my land."

We also visited Surat Thani, another planned site, in which another vigorous discussion was exchanged with local NGOs and residents in the rally. Both Chumphon and Surat Thani are the sites where mangrove forests were destructed for shrimp cultivation for export to Japan.

After that, we headed for Ongkarak, 60km north east of Bangkok, where a 10MW nuclear power plant was going to be constructed. In 1996, GA, a US company, successfully made a bid and designed the plant, and Japanese company, Hitachi, was going to manufacture the plant. Old men and women in the quiet village, along with the members of AEPS have been opposing the construction.

In February 2000, a Cobalt 60 exposure accident took place in a suburb of Bangkok. A used medical irradiation machine was brought to a steel scrap manufacturer. This accident resulted in the deaths of three people exposed to radiation gave a tremendous shock to Thai people. In March, 700 residents in Ongkarak visited the government, and obtained a promise from the Minister who said, "We will not construct an experimental reactor without the consent of local residents."

Thus, the construction of a nuclear power plant in the southern part of Thailand and the plan of Ongkarak experimental power plant are currently suspended.

★ 1999 - The 7th NNAF (November 21-November 26), India

India has all kinds of nuclear facilities from uranium mines to a reprocessing plant and even nuclear weapons test sites. In the Forum, we had participants from the sole national uranium mine Jadugoda, and there were exchanges of people who were against large-scale development in various areas. Accordingly, the Forum became a very fruitful one covering the issues of not only nuclear power, but also renewable energy, forest protection, opposition against dam constructions, etc. In addition, the issues of Pakistan and Middle East nuclear issues were tabled, which gave the participants very real concerns regarding the geological and political situation in India.

During the field trips, the participants exchanged views with local residents who kept living in a village, half of which was submerged under the water due to the construction of a lake dam for pumping up cooling water for the Kaiga nuclear power plant. Mr. Gansyam Biruri from Jadugoda who made a final speech for the Forum pleaded about the tragedies of the residents suffering from the contamination of the Jadugoda uranium mine, and said, "We have to make concrete actions for victims of radiation in various parts of the world." His remarks made an impressive closing and gave a powerful message to the participants.

★ 2000 - The 8th NNAF (July 9-July 16), Japan

In Tokyo, besides holding a symposium, negotiation took place with the government on the export of a nuclear power plant to Taiwan, and a demonstration was held in front of Hitachi headquarters, opposing nuclear power plant export, and a demonstration took place in front of Ministry of International Trade and Industry, opposing Japan's pluthermal program.

In Tokaimura at a symposium about the JCO accident, participants heard about the vivid experiences of local residents. Also, there was a slide show about the Cobalt 60 accident in Thailand and reports from Bukit Merah village from Malaysia on the radioactive contamination caused by Mitsubishi Chemical Co.

In Fukushima, a symposium on the theme of nuclear waste and MOX was held. The situations of struggles from Fukushima (Japan), Aomori (Japan), Korea, Taiwan and Australia were introduced, and there were lively discussions.

After the Women's Forum, we visited Maki town, and local residents of a planned nuclear power plant site welcomed us. The symposium called, "Toward the Era of the New Energy" was also successful, and we had an urgent appeal from Taiwan, to which an Advanced Boiling Water Reactor, the same type as that of Kashiwazaki was going to be exported.

At the international conference in Jyonobi village, there was a report from various local areas from Hokkaido (the northern part of Japan) to Kagoshima (the southern part of Japan). After working together for one week, we felt as if we had been comrades for a long time. The Sayonara party hosted by local people in Nigata ran high with songs and dances of various countries.

2001 - The 9th NNAF (September 9 - September 14), Korea

The reason Korea was chosen as the next host country in the 8th NNAF was that it was predicted that the summer of 2001 would be a critical time for the struggle against the construction of the nuclear waste dump site in Korea.

During the past ten years, nuclear promoters had forcibly chosen potential nuclear waste disposal site such as Anmyong Island, Tokchok Island, etc. However, each time they faced fierce opposition from local residents. As a result, the plans had been turned down nine times in a row. After that, promoters switched their strategies to officially seek a candidate site offering a 25 billion yen support fund for the local community with a dead line at the end of June 2001. There were vigorous promoting operation in several cities, but the plan was never realized in any place due to the strong opposition movements. It is believed that the promoters will resume the assertive selection of sites in 2003 after the presidential election. Accordingly, our forum did not coincide with any mass demonstration against the stronghold selection of a nuclear disposal site.

Currently, there are 16 nuclear power plants under operation at four different sites. There are two nuclear power plants under construction at Youngkwang and Uljin, and another 16 are in the planning stage. This figure is quite extraordinary worldwide.

We visited Youngkwang nuclear power plant after the conference and held a demonstration in the street of Seoul. Youngkwang is said to be the most probable nuclear disposal site. A rally called "No to Nuclear Disposal Site! Cultural forum of the County People in Youngkwang" was held. The atmosphere was very good with songs, traditional music and dancing. There were many people who visited from Kwangju.

There was a demonstration by 800 people in front of Ulsan nuclear power plant, in which another nuclear power plant is planned to be constructed in spite of the finding an active fault in the nearby area. There was also a very strong demonstration with 500 people in Ulsan, in which a number of city councilors and also modern automobile labor union have been fighting for anti-nuke along with citizens and local residents.

Immediately after the Forum, a sit-in was carried out to stop the loading of nuclear fuel into Units 5 and 6 of the Youngkwang nuclear power plant. Also in Ulsan nuclear power plant planned site, local residents successfully achieved the cancellation of the environmental assessment explanatory meeting. In November, having led by the participants of the Forum from Urchin, the anti-nuke movement against the construction of 7,8,9 and 10 was heightened. The Forum was successful in a way that we were able to communicate with local people with mutual encouragement.


★ 2002 - The 10th NNAF (September 28 - October 2), Taipei, Taiwan

★ 2003 - International Nuclear Waste Forum: Buan, Korea

★ 2005 - NNAF (June 3-8, 2005): Taipei, Taiwan

★ 2006 - Korea-Japan No Nukes Forum (November 6-10): Korea

★ 2008 - NNAF (June 27 - July 1), Japan

2010 - NNAF (September 18 - 21): Taipei, Taiwan

2011 - NNAF (July 30 - August 6): Japan

NNAF 2009 Joint Declaration

NNAF 2012 Schedule

  • Place: Seoul and other nuclear-related regions
  • Date: 18th - 24th March, 2012
  • Schedule (yet to be fixed)
- 18th (Sun): Disembarkation of foreign guests/ Accommodation in Seoul
- 19th (Mon): Travel / Assembly in Samchuk / Meeting with the local people / Accommodation in Samchuk
- 20th (Tue): Visit to Samchuk (nuclear plant candidate city) / Travel / Accommodation in Yeongduk
- 21th (Wed): Events in Busan / Accommodation in Busan
- 22nd (Thu): Travel / International Conference / Accommodation in Seoul
- 23rd (Fri): Nuclear Industry Summit protesting assembly / General panel
discussion/ Adoption of common statement/ Accommodation in Seoul
- 24th (Sat): Foreign guests back to home country. NNAF2012 ends // Joint
assembly held on the 25th is circumscribed to only those who are willing to


About 'No Nukes Asia Forum (NNAF)'

A pre-forum of Asian NGOS was held at Yokohama in 1992 before the Earth Summit in Brazil. Then Mr. Kim Wong-Shik, working for the anti-nuclear information center in Korea, proposed to make an anti-nuclear forum in Asia and it was demanded to hold the first conference in Japan.

In compliance with this, finally the executive committee was born with networks of 1354 supporters and approving people and 177 approving organizations.

And then, No Nukes Asia Forum has been held every year with many participants in Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia and others. It has developed as a forum to study, discuss and communicate for the Asian people who want to solve various problems about nuclear power.

Another NNAF will be held this year in 2012 in Korea.

Outline of “No Nuke Asia Forum 2012”

- Date: March 19th (Mon) ~ 24th (Sat), 2012

- Keynote:
+ Responses from anti-nuclear activists regarding the proliferation of
nuclear power plants in East Asia
+ Anti-nuclear movement that starts off from Asia

- Details of Major Events:
+ Conference of participating countries based on their regional
circumstances and its contents
+ Seoul: International conference and talk show. Focuses on the responses
regarding the conference of the nuclear industry.
+ Busan-Ulsan: Problems of worn-out nuclear plants. (Kori #1)/ Problems of
APR1400 and exportation (Shin- Kori #5,6)
+ New nuclear plant regions (Samcheok): Local people and their struggle
against the nuclear plant construction.

Region Introduction





★第1回:日本  1993年6月26日~7月4日




★第2回:韓国  1994年10月14~21日 (日本からの参加:36名、以下同様)





★第3回:台湾  1995年9月2日~6日 (31名)







★第4回:インドネシア  1996年7月29日~8月2日 (15名)






★第5回:フィリピン  1997年9月1日~6日 (22名)



97年のフォーラムは、マニラでの会議、原子力研究所視察の後、バタアン原発現地に向かった。バスは夜中の11時半に着いたのに、多くの住民たちが「ノーニュークス! インタナショナル・ソリダリティ!」と手拍子で出迎えてくれた。そして翌日の2000人のたいまつデモ。バタアン民衆の情熱と確信と誇りは、海外参加者とフィリピン各島からの参加者をおおいに励ました。


★第6回:タイ  1998年10月27日~11月1日 (10名)







★第7回:インド  1999年11月21日~26日 (7名)





★第8回:日本  2000年 7月9日~16日







★第9回:韓国  2001年9月9日~14日 (21名)







img258.jpg  ウォルソン原発前の集会

★第10回:台湾  2002年9月27日~10月2日    参加しよう!  





★ 2003年:韓国、プアン

★ 2005年:ノーニュークスアジアフォーラム 台湾

★ 2006年:日韓反核フォーラム 韓国

★ 2008年:ノーニュークスアジアフォーラム 日本

★ 2010年:ノーニュークスアジアフォーラム 台湾

★ 2011年:ノーニュークスアジアフォーラム 日本



・ 場所:ソウルおよび核関連懸案地域

・ 日ごとの大まかな日程

-20日(火):サムチョク核発電所候補地の現場訪問 / 移動/ヨンドク泊
-23日(金): Nuclear Industry Summit抗議集会/総合討論/声明書採択/ソウル泊






また、今後はアジアの反核情報センターといった役 割もはたしていければと考えています。


ASIA'S NUKES核は、核兵器という軍事利用と原子力発電などの非軍事利用という2つの姿で存在しています。







NNAF 2009 공동 선언

반핵 아시아 포럼 연혁


  • 1992년 한국반핵운동진영의 제안으로 반핵아시아 포럼 결성!

1992년 반핵운동의 한일연대, 아시아연대의 성과를 계승하고 92년 6월에 열린 브라질 리우환경회의를 대비한 Pre-Brazil회의가 5월 1일 일본의 요코하마에서 열렸다. 이 회의에서 한국의 반핵운동가 김원식 선생이 <반핵아시아포럼>의 구성을 제안한 것이 시작이었다. 이후 "핵 없는 세상을 위하여"라는 기치에 따라 핵에 반대하는 아시아 지역 반핵운동의 네트워크로 각 회원국가들을 돌아다니며, 1년에 한번씩 모임을 가지는 것을 원칙으로 하고 있다. 10회 대회 이후부터는 현안이 있는 지역을 중심으로 프로그램이 진행되고 있다. 한국, 일본, 태국, 필리핀, 인도네시아, 말레이시아, 대만, 인도, 태국, 호주 등 아시아 각 국의 반핵운동가들로 모여진 반핵아시아포럼은 일상적으로는 반핵에 대한 정보 공유와 활동공유를 해왔다.

  • 제1회 NNAF : 1993년 일본

1993년 6월 26일부터 7월 4일까지 일본에서 최초로 반핵아시아포럼이 열렸다.

아시아지역 핵산업 확대의 심각성 / 플루토늄 수송강행 등을 통한 일본 정부의 핵무장 계획 반대를 주요구호로 내걸며 <[핵무기]도 [핵발전소]도 필요없다! 아시아포럼>이 개최되었다.

한국측 11명, 대만측 15명, 인도, 인도네시아, 태국, 필리핀, 말레이시아 참가자 각국별로 1∼2인, 그리고 주최국인 일본의 각 지역을 대표하는 반핵활동가 150여 명 등 총 200명 정도가 중심이 되었다. 일본 현지의 많은 지역주민이 참가했으며, 국제 회의 외에 핵발전소 현지 등 28군데에서 집회, 정보교환과 경혐교류를 진행하기도 했다..

  • 제2회 NNAF : 1994년 한국

1994년 10월 한국에서 개최했다. 1990년 11월 안면도 핵폐기장 후보지 선정반대 투쟁이 승리한 이후에도 정부는 울진, 영일(청하), 양산, 고성, 장흥 등에 후보지 선정을 강행하려 하고 있었다. 그리고 당시 9기의 핵발전소가 가동중이었고, 영광핵발전소 3호기의 핵연료 장전이 허가되는 등 핵발전정책이 지속적으로 추진되고 있었지만, 이를 반대하는 반핵투쟁이 종교계와 학생층에까지 서서히 확산 되고 있었다.

제2회 반핵아시아포럼을 열며 핵폐기장 반대운동이 펼쳐진 울진에서 현지주민과 교류, 핵발전소 증설 반대운동이 활발한 영광에서 집회를 진행했다.

  • 제3회 NNAF : 1995년 대만

대만은 40년간 계속된 계엄령이 해제되고 87년 경부터 민중운동이 활발히 일어나게 되었지만 대만 정부는 계엄령 하에서 이미 핵발전소를 6기나 세워버렸다. 그러나 7기째부터는 주민들의 건설반대 투쟁이 활발히 전개되었다. 대만의 경우 야당이 국회에서 반핵발전소를 내걸면서 커다란 정치적 이슈를 만들고 반핵과 민주화 등과 관련된 운동으로 펼치기도 했다.

대만 정부는 야미족이라는 소수민족 3천명 정도가 살고 있는 작은 섬 "란유섬"에 통조림공장을 짓는다며 거짓말하고, 핵폐기물드럼통을 10만개나 반입시킨 일도 있었고, 이에 대항하여 야미족 사람들의 힘찬 투쟁이 계속되기도 했다.

이 같은 대만에서 열린 제 3회 반핵아시아포럼에서 열린 반핵집회는, 대만 제 4핵발전소 반대투쟁과 프랑스 핵실험반대투쟁이 함께 진행되어 타히티에서 온 참가자도 포함한 2만명에 이르는 대규모 집회로 확장되기도 했다. 그리고 번화가 한가운데서 핵무기와 핵발전소 모형에 불붙여 태우는 大아트랙션도 벌였으며, 이러한 것을 통해 대만반핵운동으로부터 많은 교훈을 배울 수 있었다.

  • 제4회 NNAF : 1996년 인도네시아

1996년 7월 28일부터 8월 2일까지 6일간에 걸쳐 제4회 반핵아시아포럼이 인도네시아에서 개최되었다. 당시 수하르트 군사 독재 정권 하인 인도네시아에서 열렸기 때문에 미리 반핵아시아포럼 명칭을 사용하지 못했고, 데모나 옥외 활동이 어려웠던 점, 현지주민과 교류하는데도 미묘한 문제가 있는 점 등 역대 포럼 중에서 가장 힘들게 행사가 진행되기도 했다. (이처럼 행동이 자유롭지 못한 나라에 핵발전소를 짓는 것이 얼마나 반민주적이고 위험한 것인지를 알 수 있다.)

긴박한 상황 아래 개최하였지만, 자바섬 이외에도 많은 사람들이 참가하여, 인도네시아 최초의 핵발전소 개획에 반대하는 전국 네트워크를 탄생시키는 계기가 되었다. 이후 자카르타 등 지방에서도 착실하게 핵발전소에 대한 의식이 생겨나 반대운동이 일어났고, 인도네시아 민주화 움직임과 함께 발전하기도 했다.

  • 제5회 NNAF : 1997년 필리핀

아시아를 비롯 유럽 미국에서도 참가자가 합세해 5회 NNAF가 필리핀에서 개최되었다. 본격적으로 아시아에 핵발전소 수출이 시작되는 전야라고도 할 수 있는 1997년이라는 해에 진행되었다. 건설이 완료되었으나 민중의 힘으로 폐쇄를 몰아붙인 바탐핵발전소 현지에서 2천명이 횃불데모를 하여 참가자들의 가슴을 뜨겁게 했다고 한다.

  • 제6회 NNAF : 1998년 태국

1998년 10월 26일부터 11월 1일까지 태국에서 개최되었다. 아시아 회원국 외에도 캐나다, 네덜란드에서 참가했으며, WISE, Greenpeace 등의 NGO들도 높은 관심을 보이고 참가했다. 태국에는 핵발전소가 없지만, 당시 일본 핵산업의 진출로 연구용 원자로가 계획되고 있었고, 남부에서는 이미 캐나다형 경수로 건설이 예정되어 토지 매수도 시작하고 있었다. "지속가능한 대체에너지 프로젝트(AEPS)"라는 단체가 주축이 되어 준비했고, 핵발전소 예정지에서 최초의 주민 집회를 가지기도 했다.

  • 제7회 NNAF : 1999년 인도

11월 22일부터 26일까지 인도에서 열렸다. 인도는 아시아에서 최초로 핵발전소를 개발한 나라이다. 만성적인 전력부족 해소를 구실로 정부의 대대적인 비호 아래 강대한 힘을 가진 원자력위원회가 있었으며, 주민의 의사와는 상관없이 핵발전소 추진정책이 계속되어 왔다. 당시 인도에서는 10기의 핵발전소가 상업가동중에 있었다. 인도에서 조업중인 우라늄광산으로는 자두고다 광산이 유일한데 새로운 우라늄 광산개발계획이 여기저기에 추진되고 있기도 했다.

사용후 핵연료 재처리 시설은 트룬베이, 타라푸르, 카르팥카무 3군데이며, 고준위 폐액의 유리고화시설도 여기 3군데에 설치 또는 공사 되는 등 핵연료 사이클의 모든 기술을 보유하고 있다 할 수 있다. 원자로에서 생산된 플루토늄으로 74년과 98년에는 핵실험이 진행되기도 했다. 그런데 인도 핵시설에서는 심각한 사고가 빈발하고 있다. 91년에는 봄베이 근교 바바원자력연구센터 주변에서 파이프파손에 따른 대규모 방사능누출사고가 일어나기도 했다.

7회 NNAF은 우라늄 채굴의 오염피해 보고를 비롯한 가이가 핵발전소와 환경파괴와 싸우는 여러 사람들과의 만남도 있었다.

  • 제8회 NNAF : 2000년 일본

작년 7월에 "새로운 에너지의 시대, 21세기를 향하여"라는 주제로 일본에서 열렸다. 도쿄, 1999년 JCO 사고가 일어났던 도카이무라, 주민 투표로 핵발전소를 막아낸 사례가 있는 마키 등을 돌아다니며, 심포지엄과 집회에 참가했다. 한국반핵운동연대 소속 단체들이 함께 참가했다.

아시아 최대의 원자력 추진국이라 할 수 있는 일본에서 열린 NNAF에서는 21세기를 향해 아래와 같은 공동선언하기도 했다.

1. 우리는 인도적 가치관 회복을 촉구하며 아시아에서 핵발전소를 폐지할 것을 요구한다.

2. 우리는 일본정부와 핵발전산업에 대만 제4핵발전소 수출계획을 즉시 중지하도록 요구한다.

3. 우리는 에너지 낭비를 유도하는 현대 경제구조의 개혁을 요구한다.

4. 우리는 세계 많은 주민들의 토지와 권리를 빼앗아 온 우라늄 광산 폐쇄를 요구한다.

5. 우리는 핵무기 보유국의 핵폐기를 요구한다.

6. 우리는 한반도의 민주·평화·통일을 강하게 요구한다.

7. 우리는 사용후핵연료 재처리와 수송에 반대한다.

8. 우리는 안전하고도 책임있는 핵폐기물의 장기관리를 촉구한다.

  • 제9회 : 2001년 한국

9월 10일부터 16일까지 한국에서 열렸다. 서울이외에도 부산, 울산 지역을 순회하면서 교류행사를 진행하였다.

  • 제10회 : 2002년 대만

9월 28일부터 10월 2일까지 대만에서 열렸다.

  • 2003년 : 한국 부안

  • 2005년 : 반핵아시아포럼 대만

  • 2006년 : 한일반핵포럼 2006 - 한국

  • 2008년 : 반핵아시아포럼 2008 일본

  • 2010년 : 반핵아시아포럼 2009 대만

  • 2011년 : 반핵아시아포럼 2011 일본